Saturday, September 25, 2010

Episode 19-Lonewolf

Select few getting Dead Space 2 multiplayer beta invites , RUMOR: NASCAR pulling into Activision's pit, Sony: Fake PS3 Controllers May Explode, Street Fighter 4 won't be coming to the PC. You can blame pirates, Blizzard has rolled out StarCraft II patch 1, A Michael Jackson MMO called Planet Michael will launch next year, Halo: Reach Patch Coming In October ,and APB downfall

Conquer reviews Cabelas North American Adventures
Steam'ed deals
Games comming out on xbox and steam

Episode 18-Please don't sue us

Game News
Rant about activision
Steam'ed Deals( Now with sound effect)
Games comming out on steam and xbox
What conquer59 found on the interent that was interesting

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Episode 17-EDF!!!!!!!!!!!!11

The first Kinect achievment list? Ladies & gents, I present the achievements for Kinect Adventures, Microsoft Apologizes to Fort Gay for Xbox Live Ban,   Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon teaser site opens, Company of Heroes Designer Killed in Crash, Atari are making rumblings that sound a bit like Rollercoaster Tycoon 4,  Borderlands Level Cap Increasing For Free, Let everyone your mom, dad, friends, sisters dog, etc know. Duke is back baby,    EA Confirms Dead Space 2 Multiplayer,GameStop Pulls Video Game From Military Stores Over Taliban Inclusion.

Conquer59 reviews secret service
Steamed deals
Upcomming games

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Episode 16-The future: Full of Aliens and Rants

Pinball FX 2 releasing in October as a free download ,Microsoft prepping new Xbox 360 controller with improved d-pad for the holidays ,AMD Pulls the Plug on ATI ,Borderlands Game of the Year Edition announced! Game + all FOUR DLCs and bonus map for 360, PS3, and PC. Available in October,Dead Rising: Case Zero Is NOT Delayed In The West,Swedish retailers lists Far Cry 3

Conquer59 reviews-Godfather 2
Canadian Dude 66- Future for Podcast
Conquer59-need site feed
What conquer59 found on the interent that was interesting
Steamed deals
What games came out on 360 and steam

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Episode 14: Blizzard, ALIENS, and other crap

F.E.A.R 3 delayed?!, Starcraft 2: Change your name for free!, Zombie maps for Black Ops; Well finally!!!, Halo Reach is going OnDemand for how much?!, New fable 3 limited edition controller, sc2 most pirated game of the year , ruse smack ubisoft in the face, blizzard win 88 million in case against private servers, wow catclysm collecters edition

JoshOoaAh reviews Alien Swarm

Steam’ed Deals: Free stuff

Stuff Conquer found on the internet that wuz interesting

Games coming out this week

Episode 13- DLC+Hunting+Water bottles=AWESOME

Fallout: New Vegas outselling predecessor so they say, Batman Arkham city in 2011, DLC for Borderlands, DLC for Bioshock 2, Assassins creed 2 beta for Sony only, Move to outsell Kinect, Scribblenauts comes with earmuffs, Justin Bieber gets Pwned.

Conquer59 reviews Cabela’s Outdoor Adventures

Stuff Conquer found on the internet that wuz interesting

Steam’ed Deals: Regular edition

Games coming out this week

Episode 12-You dont kill the host….HOST KILLS YOU

Stuff Conquer found on the internet that wuz interesting

Ice-T; MOH Beta sucks!, Capcom profits down the drain, New dolls from Valve games, Metro 2033 DLC on August 3rd, 3DS to be announced this September 29th, new flashpoint game is called Opeartion flashpoint: Red river, MOH beta limited edition includes BF3 beta, Blackops will have prestige and hardned editions, Cabela’s dangerous hunts 2011 to be released in fall.

JoshOooO reviews Starcraft 2

Conquer59 reviews Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Steam’ed deals: RTS edition

Games coming out this week

Episode 11-MAN DOWN

Derrick was not here this week so it was just conquer59 and josh (derrick will be back for episode 12)

Codemasters announces Dirt 3, Grid 2,and new Flashpoint game, GTA V in hollywood?, Steam says sorry to MW2 people who got banned by giving game and Darkness 2

Conquer59 and Josh review MOH BETA

What conquer found on the internet that was interesting

Magic inspired steam deals

Games comming out this week

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Episode 10-Out of the fire

Game news: No support for VSP from Sega, 1 vs. 100 cancelled, Codemasters solution to DRM; sell unfinished games, GOW 3 Seriously 3.0, General Knox twitter re-opened; new dlc?, Red faction to become a TV series, Stuart Black to leave Bodycount in October

Conquer59 reviews Crackdown 2
Canadian Dude66 reviews Metro 2033 (The Novel)
Debate!: Who’s better; PC or Consoles?
Stuff Conquer found on the internet that wuz interesting
Steam’ed Deals: Trains edition
Games coming out this week

Episode 9-All aboard the failtrain

Dead Space: Ignition announced, A Spore RPG from Comic-Con, Halo; Reach demo coming, COD; BO beating pre-order sales of MW2, GOW2 event July 22nd; 8x XP, Xbox arcade 4gb bundle coming out, Halo; Reach achievements, GTA Vice city is re-released to modern consoles, Age of Empire dev. Working on new strategy game, Blood Gultch is back!!!!, Irrational Games wants you to call; to see what they’re making, Sony is working on a new console, already.

Debate!: Will Live be free forever?

Stuff Conquer found on the internet that wuz interesting

Steam’ed deals

Games coming out this week

Episode 8-The baton is mighter than the gun

Playstation Move is on the move via releases, Bobby Kotick: he wants your money, Creedence Clearwater Revival on Rock band; do we care?, Patapon 3 demo for PS3, Xbox 360 slim on shutdown, Destination; Arcade to xbl.

C59 reviews Deus Ex

Stuff Conquer found on the internet that wuz interesting

Steam’ed Deals

Games coming out this week

Episode7 -Dunder Mifflin Vs. The 4077th Who wins

News for week June 27-July 2: Mass Effect 2 now even cheaper on all accounts, New horde mode in GOW 2 called Tick-Tick-Boom, Reggie Fils-Aime; no 3DS this year?, A remake of MDK is coming, Microsoft has made a deal with…Justin Bieber?!?!

Conquer59 reviews The Office: Season 1-5

Canadian Dude66 reviews M*A*S*H Collection, plus Finale; “Goodbye, farewell, Amen.”

Debate!: Who’s better, The Office or M*A*S*H?

Stuff Conquer found on the internet that wuz interesting

Steam’ed Deals

Games coming out this week

Episode 6- Dragons, long updates , and Snipers, oh my

Ep.6: Dragons, long updates , and Snipers, oh my!

Game news: sniper; ghost warrior comes out soon, xbox 360 slim having problems already? Heating problems, Dragon age dlc; leliana’s song, E3 had 45,600 attendees; next e3 set, Hideo Kojima has more at Tokyo game show

Cd66, c59, rev. MW2

C59’s official rev. of F.E.A.R

Stuff Conquer found on the int. that wuz interesting (CoH MMO)

Steam’ed Deals