Thursday, July 22, 2010

Episode 10-Out of the fire

Game news: No support for VSP from Sega, 1 vs. 100 cancelled, Codemasters solution to DRM; sell unfinished games, GOW 3 Seriously 3.0, General Knox twitter re-opened; new dlc?, Red faction to become a TV series, Stuart Black to leave Bodycount in October

Conquer59 reviews Crackdown 2
Canadian Dude66 reviews Metro 2033 (The Novel)
Debate!: Who’s better; PC or Consoles?
Stuff Conquer found on the internet that wuz interesting
Steam’ed Deals: Trains edition
Games coming out this week

Episode 9-All aboard the failtrain

Dead Space: Ignition announced, A Spore RPG from Comic-Con, Halo; Reach demo coming, COD; BO beating pre-order sales of MW2, GOW2 event July 22nd; 8x XP, Xbox arcade 4gb bundle coming out, Halo; Reach achievements, GTA Vice city is re-released to modern consoles, Age of Empire dev. Working on new strategy game, Blood Gultch is back!!!!, Irrational Games wants you to call; to see what they’re making, Sony is working on a new console, already.

Debate!: Will Live be free forever?

Stuff Conquer found on the internet that wuz interesting

Steam’ed deals

Games coming out this week

Episode 8-The baton is mighter than the gun

Playstation Move is on the move via releases, Bobby Kotick: he wants your money, Creedence Clearwater Revival on Rock band; do we care?, Patapon 3 demo for PS3, Xbox 360 slim on shutdown, Destination; Arcade to xbl.

C59 reviews Deus Ex

Stuff Conquer found on the internet that wuz interesting

Steam’ed Deals

Games coming out this week

Episode7 -Dunder Mifflin Vs. The 4077th Who wins

News for week June 27-July 2: Mass Effect 2 now even cheaper on all accounts, New horde mode in GOW 2 called Tick-Tick-Boom, Reggie Fils-Aime; no 3DS this year?, A remake of MDK is coming, Microsoft has made a deal with…Justin Bieber?!?!

Conquer59 reviews The Office: Season 1-5

Canadian Dude66 reviews M*A*S*H Collection, plus Finale; “Goodbye, farewell, Amen.”

Debate!: Who’s better, The Office or M*A*S*H?

Stuff Conquer found on the internet that wuz interesting

Steam’ed Deals

Games coming out this week

Episode 6- Dragons, long updates , and Snipers, oh my

Ep.6: Dragons, long updates , and Snipers, oh my!

Game news: sniper; ghost warrior comes out soon, xbox 360 slim having problems already? Heating problems, Dragon age dlc; leliana’s song, E3 had 45,600 attendees; next e3 set, Hideo Kojima has more at Tokyo game show

Cd66, c59, rev. MW2

C59’s official rev. of F.E.A.R

Stuff Conquer found on the int. that wuz interesting (CoH MMO)

Steam’ed Deals